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Kickass Review of our upcoming album "Dethrone The Crown"

Band: Laugh At The Fakes (CA)

Genre: Heavy Metal

Label: Self-Release

Albumtitle: Dethrone The Crown

Duration: 49:14

Releasedate: 14.11.2014

This is a selfproduction of a band from Canada which probably nobody is aware of, are you?

After this album the publicity should change very quickly because what we have here now is well worth listening to.

It's a delightfully refreshing sound moving between the old Audrey Horne, a bit of Mastodon and moderated

Megadeth. Danko Jones shimmers through here and there and the lightly flair of NWOBHM hovers above all but

apart from that the guys are doing their own sound.

Fucking awesome guitars work magic rocking riffs beeing sometimes hardly shredding somtimes light-footed. But

above all the whole thing sounds smart and considered on their independence. That is why Laugh At The Fakes is in

contrast to the majority of bands in this days and age.

Everything sounds solid and isn't produced to be on the safe side. The vocalist also knows what he is doing and

creates awesome hooks with his pipes.

The guys can also play Prog-Rock-Metal ("Fighting Dirty") before reverting to Old-School-Metal. Laugh At The Fakes

wraps cleverly the whole music in their own style in such a way that it doesn't sound disjointed but rather sounds

simply harmonious as mentioned above. Anyway, the band performs many-faceted but doesn't overdo it so that

here isn't a mere collection of different styles but creating a album with recall value.

I can only repeat what the Canadians offer us here is refreshing. I have rarely heard such a well created piece of

music in the last few months. The music appreciates in value through intelligent riffs and inventive arrangements.

The sound has truly substance and that certain something that a good Rock-Metal-Album needs.

It is such an album that the more you listen to the better it gets. At least I felt so.


One should keep an eye on this combo. I wish them success and I hope we will listen to more music of Laugh At The

Fakes in future because they could set the world on fire. Next time they get the fully 10 but for know we should

beware of praising them too high, hahaha!

Rating 9/10

Recommendations: All songs!



Everett Mason - Vocals and Guitar

Kevin Daliri - Guitar

Galen Weir - Bass

Chris Avalos - Drums

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